The Snijders&Rockox House - Permanent display: 9 Bovencamer – Exhibition - at the moment

ROOM 9 Bovencamer – Exhibition at the moment 

THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFULSnijders Rockoxhuis phoebus
in Flemish Portraits.

14 March – 31 December 2020.

Cossiers Phoebus

Portraits from the Renaissance and the Baroque: what do these long-forgotten people from centuries past mean to us?
They gaze at us, perhaps with a half-smile, or else ignore us completely. Without uttering a word. All the same, they have so much to tell. About their fascinating lives and who they were or hoped to be. Allow your eyes to stray over these works and discover the many clues they conceal.

The Phoebus Foundation owns a wealth of portraits like this. So many and so varied that we’ve teamed up with the Snyders&Rockox House for an exhibition that highlights the genre of portrait painting in all its facets: from selfie to group portrait. It’s being held at four locations in central Antwerp.



KMSK Koninklijke musea voor schone kunsten van België Nationale Loterij Museum Leuven VleeshuisPhoebus snijders rockoxhuis logo Klara snijders rockoxhuis logo DS