The Snijders&Rockox House - To do: School visits

School visits

Admission to the Snyders&Rockox House is free for each pupil and teacher.


Schools can choose from a range of free and paid programmes at the Snyders&Rockox House museum. Take a look further down this page. We’ll help you make and book your choice.

And it goes without saying that schools with their own projects are also welcome at the Snyders & Rockox House.
Let us know by e-mail when you’re coming. We can then work out the best approach together.

One last thing: are you looking for an unusual, fun place to have lunch with your class? We’re happy to offer our beautifully vaulted reception cellar. Mention in your e-mail if you’d like to use it.

If you have any questions or would like to talk to a member of the Snyders&Rockox House museum’s staff, feel free to contact us.


The Snijders&Rockox House
Keizerstraat 10
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tel 03/201.92.50


E-mail us at
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To book:
- Free educational programmes
- The reception cellar
- The film theatre.
To notify us of a school visit with your own programme.


E-mail at
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To book:
- Paid educational programmes/guided tours

You book the programme or pay for a guide via Visit Antwerp.
A guide will be happy to show roughly 20 pupils around.
The price for a guide is € 85 + € 5 booking fee.


Educational programmes – paid
Bookings and payment via Visit Antwerp: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Museum class: ‘Nicolaas and Frans’s World of Animals’

Primary schools: 9–12 year-olds

What: interactive tour with a guide, small assignments and big dialogues
Duration: 90 mins.
Language: NL                           Bookings and payment : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Your eyes and ears will be in overdrive for every minute of this journey of exploration in the museum.Frans and Nicolaas’s world of animals is never-ending.
In some of the paintings, you’ll see animals on their own, but you’ll mostly be looking for hidden ones and for beautiful little insects. Or you’ll find them depicted on boxes, bowls, sculptures or other small objects. The guide will help you to search and to look, but most of all to discover through a shared dialogue!


Museum class: ‘Life and Art’

Practical : 

Secondary schools: 2nd and 3rd grade
What: Active-learning tour with a guide
Duration: 90 mins.
Language: NL                           Bookings and payment: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Guide and pupils discover together what life was like behind the scenes at a 17th-century patrician’s residence. 
Through careful viewing, studying, philosophising and debating, the pupils gain an insight into society, art and day-to-day life in 17th-century Antwerp.


Educationel programmes – free
Bookings via the Snyders&Rockox House museum:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

iPad: Go exploring in two patrician’s residences

Secondary education: individual
What: iPad tour with image recognition and audio tour
Duration: free to choose, average 60 mins.
Language: NL, FR, EN, GE                  Bookings: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Take a tour with a virtual guide. The smart iPad detects where you are in the museum and gives you a short introduction to each room through your headphones. Then it’s your turn: point your device at a work of art and you get to read the story behind the image in a concise and engaging way.

Each pupil gets an individual iPad with headset
Or would you rather discover the museum with a traditional printed guide?  These are also available to borrow.


Movie - free
Bookings via the Snyders&Rockox House museum:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nicolaas Rockox (a film from 1987)

A film on the life of Nicolaas Rockox in Antwerp from 1560 tot 1640

In our film theatre
Duration: 25 mins
Language: NL, FR, EN                     Bookings: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.