The Snijders&Rockox House - A surprising museum in the heart of Antwerp

The Snijders&Rockox House

Plan your visit

Plan your visit

Walk-around with the curator Hildegard van de Velde

Walk-around with the curator Hildegard van de Velde

Frans Snijders

Frans Snijders

Nicolaas Rockox

Nicolaas Rockox

Creative with technology

Creative with technology

Do the 360° virtual tour (permanent collection of the Snijders&Rockoxhouse)

Do the 360° virtual tour (permanent collection of the Snijders&Rockoxhouse)

Snijders&Rockoxhouse - The movie

Snijders&Rockoxhouse - The movie

Permanent display

snijders rockoxhuis vaste opstelling gevel rockox

Rockox: Den Gulden Rinck

Nicolaas Rockox, burgomaster of Antwerp and an art lover in every sense, lived in this urban palace with his wife Adriana Perez from 1603 onwards. He was the ‘buitenburgemeester’ (burgomaster for external affairs) at the time, in which capacity he represented the city to higher authorities. Nicolaas received a great many guests here.

snijders rockoxhuis vaste opstelling gevel snijders

Snijders: De Fortuyne

Frans Snijders and his wife Margriete de Vos moved into De Fortuyne in 1622. They previously lived on Korte Gasthuisstraat, where Frans earned a solid reputation as a painter of still lifes, animals and hunting scenes that meant he could now afford a fully-fledged patrician’s house on the residential Keizerstraat.


Snijders Rockoxhuis verwacht breugel

At the moment


Snijders Rockoxhuis verwacht breugel



snijders rockox afgelopen

