The Snijders&Rockox House - P.LACE.S

‘P.LACE.S - Looking through Antwerp Lace’.

25/09/2021 - 09/01/2022.

places image3The exhibition ‘P.LACE.S - Looking through Antwerp Lace’ highlights the important role the city played in the production and trade of lace.
MoMu tells this story through an exhibition trail that connects five locations in the city.

With ‘P.LACE.S’, MoMu is starting a unique conversation between historical textile craft and contemporary fashion to look at our history from a different perspective.
This creates a visual play between past and present, presenting objects from international collections that have never been shown in Belgium before.

 In the Snijders&Rockox House, the exhibition shows exceptional lace and contemporary fashion in historic interiors.


Credits : Iris van Herpen S/S 2017 in collaboration with Philip Beesley, Model: Elza Matiz, Photo: Sølve Sundsbø / Art + Commerce