The Snijders&Rockox House - Practical: Accessibility


Address The Snijders&Rockox House

Keizerstraat 10, 2000 Antwerp
Tel. 32 (0)3 201 92 50
Fax 32 (0)3 201 92 51
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The Snijders&Rockox House is located between St Charles Borromeo’s Church (Sint-Carolus Borromeuskerk) and St James’s Church (Sint-Jacobskerk), within walking distance of the MAS, in the centre of the university district.



By foot

Just 5 minutes via the Meir, Sint-Katelijnevest and Minderbroedersrui to Keizerstraat. The Snijders&Rockox House lies on the ‘Rubens Route’ between St Charles Borromeo’s Church (Sint-Carolus Borromeuskerk) and St James’s Church (Sint-Jacobskerk).


By public transport/From the Central Station

Plan your route via De Lijn



Get around Antwerp and its surrounding districts quickly using Velo Antwerp’s city bikes. Pick up a city bike from one of the Velo points, cycle to your destination and drop it off again at another Velo point. Fast and convenient!